Friday, 13 December 2013

Christmas Craft - Chistmas Pudding Cakes

These Christmas puddings are easy peasy - no cooking in class involved. 

Ingredients - Cake crumbs, chocolate icing, melted chocolate, jaffa, and a green lolly.
Mix the crumbs and the icing together, shape into a ball, top with melted chocolate and the lollies.

Chistmas Craft - Folded Paper Doves

Our peace doves are spreading peace and quiet through Room 4. 

We used small plastic jewels I scavenged from table tops at a friends wedding. They have been languishing in my cupboard waiting for the right craft activity. Click here for a pdf template of our doves.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Merry Christmas for 2013

 The children worked hard decorating the Christmas tree for Discovery this morning. I love the presents underneath it. 
Weetbix anyone?

Here are a few of our Christmas activities.

Today was our last Discovery session for 2013. We will start Discovery again next year on the 12th February 2014.

Christmas Craft - Reindeer Food

Ingredients - Rolled oats, birdseed, and glitter.

(The glitter is so the reindeer can see the moon shining on it at night.)

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Christmas Craft - Handprint Christmas Tree

Look what we made with our S-Block buddies. 

 They came over this afternoon to make something special with us. It was lovely to see the older children helping their younger buddies. My 5-year-olds are always excited to have 'buddy time.' 

The children outlined each others hand straight on to green paper, and after working together to cut it out they decorated their hand with crinkly green paper and glitter.

Monday, 9 December 2013

Christmas Craft - Candy Cane Mice

I was sick last Friday, but look what the children did without me!

Candy cane mice. 

I set this up before I left on Thursday afternoon, we used foam paper (hence the adventurous colours) and candy canes. But you could use normal paper or felt.

Today we hung them on our Christmas tree.

Christmas Craft - Beaded Candy Canes

We used different coloured wooden beads to make these candy cane decorations today. 

They are super easy, and great for fine motor skill practise. 

We threaded our beads on to pipe cleaners.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Summer Discovery 2013

Our summer Discovery session was lots of fun. 
Here are some of our craft activities:

 Cooling sponge necklaces and bracelets.

 Walnut shell sail boats.

Wind catchers with crepe paper and sticks from Mr Hunt's wood pile!

Only one more session to go!
Can you guess what we will be discovering about next week?

Christmas Craft - 3D Paper Snowflakes

Check out our amazing giant paper snowflakes. 

The children worked together and practised their wonderful cutting skills to make these. By the end of the session several children were teaching and helping their classmates fold, cut, and sellotape. (And look at my new blue shelves in the background!)

 Here is a You Tube tutorial.

Monday, 2 December 2013

Christmas Craft - Wrapping Presents

From today until we finish school on the 18th December, we will be busy creating all sorts of Christmas crafts and exploring different Christmas themed activities.

Today we wrapped the rock art we completed last week during outdoor week. The children chose the type of paper, the ribbon colour, and of course the lucky recipient! After carefully cutting, folding, and sellotaping, they wrote a label for their present. 

Hopefully all of our gifts made it home safely under the Christmas tree.