Monday 23 September 2013

Happy Paper Plate Hens

Our paper plate hens are out of their hen house and brightening up our wall. 

This week we have been learning how to segment and blend 'en' words, like hen, Ben, then, and den. I have been really pleased to see the children's progress listening to, reading, and writing CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) words. And even better, they have been using the knowledge they learned during our phonics sessions during their reading and writing lessons. 

Lately we have been concentrating on changing the onset sound to make a new word (the onset is the first sound of a word before the vowel - /c/ in cat). For example, I will ask "What will the word be if you change the /h/ in hen to /m/?" The children have been able to say the sounds slowly to themselves and say then the new word. Research has shown that activities like this that support children's phonological awareness will help their reading, writing, and spelling.

Have a look at some of the other phonic art and craft activities we have enjoyed recently:

/a/ as in 'at' - Peg Bats
/i/ as in 'ig' - Egg Carton Pig Snouts
/o/ as in 'og' - Origami Dalmatian Dogs

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